Sunday, September 15, 2024
Tags Refugees

Tag: Refugees

Mobile phones both curse and blessing for exiled teens

The glass wall of Julia Fath’s office looks out onto the area where students take a 25-minute break between classes. She can watch them...

Inside the ‘Lugenpresse:’ German media confront charges of lying by omission

On the third floor of a grand office building in central Berlin, Thomas Fuhrmann’s television news team discussed the fallout of an unusual case...

Video journalist Thomas Nybo navigates advocacy and objectivity in telling stories of refugee children

Few video journalists have shown the humanity of refugee children as poignantly as Thomas Nybo. A graduate of the University of Montana School of...

Refugee resettlement: Why local journalists struggle to lend a human face to politics

Story by Maddie Vincent, photos by Olivia Vanni As millions of refugees fled their countries in search of asylum, images of violence and despair filled...

Standing Rock: Native journalists torn between passion and neutrality

Story by Jason Begay, photos by Olivia Vanni See more of MJR's Standing Rock Coverage with this interactive web documentary. Even if it weren’t for that...

Joey Running Crane and King Elephant Rock and Return

By Tim Goessman Sweat ran down Joey Running Crane’s face as more Dos Equis disappeared from the beer cooler on the porch. The hum of...